Terms & Conditions

Cancellations And Refunds

Cancelation for more than 5 days before the experience booked: You may cancel your experience with us before 5 days of the day of the experience. You will be fully refunded with in 30 days from your cancelation.

Cancelation for less than 5 days before the experience booked: NO refund will be provided if you cancel with less than 5 days of the experience.

Late Arrival By Customer

The experience starts at the designated time. If you arrive late for whatever reason and miss the tour, then no money will be refunded.

Cancelation By Us

While we always endeavour to avoid cancellations and changes, we must reserve the right to do so. However, we promise we will only cancel your confirmed booking where we are forced to do so as a result of circumstances outside our control or because an insufficient number of people have booked your chosen tour.

We will notify you before the tour starts if we have to cancel for lack of numbers. Please note that we do reserve the right to run experiences with less than the stated minimum number. If we have to make a significant change or cancel, we will tell you as soon as possible. If we have to cancel, we will payback the full amount and will not deduct any non-refundable expenses. Compensation will not be payable and no liability assumed by us.

Non-Refundable Expenses

If you cancel an experience, if we have incurred expenses which we can’t recoup (such as car hire), then you will have to pay for these expenses.